How Getting in Touch with Nature Can Improve Your Health and Well-being

We are often so focused on our daily lives that we tend to overlook the power of nature. Going outside to walk, hike, or simply sit in a park may seem like leisure activities and not priorities for our busy lives. However, research shows that nature is essential for our physical and mental well-being.

National Geographic’s article, “Nature Really is Good Medicine. Science Can Explain Why,” discusses how nature acts as a treatment for various ailments. Firstly, it can lower stress levels, anxiety, and depression symptoms. By spending time in parks, gardens, forests, and beaches, the mind momentarily shuts down, allowing for stress levels to decrease, and even improve sleep quality. Looking at the color green also has a calming effect on the mind. Secondly, nature increases physical health by motivating people to exercise. Outdoor activities like cycling, hiking, and running are more enjoyable than working out indoors, and nature provides a more stimulating environment.

However, the article mentions that merely looking at nature may also benefit one's health. Researchers found that patients who had hospital rooms with a view of trees and green spaces had better recovery rates than those with views of concrete structures. Additionally, children who have exposure to gardens and outdoor play had improved motor skills, cognitive development and showed a greater sense of community and belonging.

So how can you make the most of nature's therapeutic properties?

Start by including nature in your daily routine. Instead of spending break time on social media or your phone, take a stroll in a nearby park or garden. Engage in activities that allow you to appreciate your surroundings such as bird watching or hiking. Create a garden, no matter how big or small, and spend a few minutes each day watering and tending to your plants. Even if you have a busy schedule, try to make time for nature at least once a week. The goal is to remind yourself that nature is outside our homes, and it's ready to engage our senses.

Nature's healing powers go beyond what we expect. Spending time outdoors or even looking at pictures of nature can improve one's mental health and motivation to exercise. Children who have regular outdoor activities can benefit from improved cognitive skills and overall health. Making a habit of including nature in our daily routine may seem like a small change, but it can have a significant impact on our well-being. Let's take a step back from our busy lives and appreciate the beauty of nature.


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