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Designing Social Spaces at Home for the Holidays

As we approach the holiday season, I wanted to share a recent conversation I had with Dan Buettner, the expert behind the renowned Blue Zones project. We got to talking about the importance of social connection, especially during this festive time of year. The holidays are an incredible opportunity not only to unwind but also to strengthen those bonds that feed our souls.

One way to foster these connections? Board games. Yes, you heard it right! Board games, card games, and other tech-free activities can be the heart of a home during the holidays. But how do we create an inviting space that encourages everyone to put down their devices and pick up a game piece instead?

Here are some tips to create a fun, engaging, and health-boosting game zone in your home:

1. Designate a Dedicated Space: Whether it's a corner of your living room or a whole separate room, carve out a specific area for games. This dedicated space is a signal that fun, laughter, and connection are priorities in your home.

2. Keep It Visible: Remember, out of sight, out of mind! Having your game zone in a high-traffic area allows for spontaneous participation. Seeing a favorite board game could spark an impromptu family game night, creating memories that last a lifetime.

3. Include Something for Everyone: Games aren't just for kids! Be sure to have a variety of games that cater to all ages. From Candy Land to Scrabble, having something for everyone ensures that no one feels left out.

4. Make It Tech-Free: In this digital age, it's more important than ever to have tech-free zones in our homes. Encourage family and friends to disconnect from their screens and connect with each other instead.

Remember, our homes are more than just places to live; they are spaces that can enhance our wellbeing, longevity, and happiness. As you prepare to host friends and family for the holidays, consider how you can design your home to promote health and connection.